第5章 青葱象牙塔(2)
14 Football‐Undefeated
As a freshman of Wright University.I was excited to see"W.U.Football‐Undefeated"on several students'T‐shirts.I called home and boasted about this to my family,who in turn shared it with relatives and friends.
After one week of eagerly awaiting word of the first game.I finally met one of the T‐shirt owners and asked when the season began.
He glanced down at his shirt and then at me."Look,freshman,"
he said,"we are undefeated because we don't have a football team!"
15 We Are Here!
Custom at Duquesne University dictated that if a professor was ten minutes late,the class was canceled.One professor arrived early for a 10 a.m.lecture.He placed his hat on the desk,and went to the room.Before he knew it,it was 10:10.By the time he got back to his classroom,it was empty.
The next day,he let his students have it."When my hat is here,"he fumed,"I'm here!"
The following day,the professor arrived at 10 a.m.He was met by the sight of hats on 28 desks-and no students.
16 The English Literature Professor
Our English literature professor always conveyed his opinion of his student's work with originality.The way he returned one particularly difficult test was typical.
He passed out the papers with the highest scores at head level.Tests in the next range were passed out at desk level,the next at lap level; then the rest of the tests were slid along the floor.This done,the professor announced that there were five papers that the owners could dig up at midnight at a location he would reveal to them after class.
17 Nine Times Nine
A college football coach had recruited a top talent,but the player couldn't pass the school's entrance exam.Needing the recruit badly,the coach went to the dean and asked if the recruit could take the test orally.The dean agreed,and the following day the recruit and the coach were seated in his office.
"Okey,"the dean said,"What is nine times nine?"
The recruit mulled it over for a moment,then said,"I think it's eighty‐one."
Suddenly the coach leapt to his feet."Please,Dean,"he begged,
"give him another chance!"
18 Speak Up
My son,Brad,entered a lecture hall one morning prepared to take a major exam.When the professor announced that the test had been postponed,another student rose and complained that the delay would mess up his study schedule for other courses.
"What is your name,young man?"demanded the professor.
"John,"the student replied,"John."
"Well,John,"said the professor,"I'm going to give you an A for this exam and excuse you from taking it,because you had the courage to speak up."
"In that case,sir,"the young man responded,"I'm Howard."
19 Sleep over Lectures
Two students were waiting in line to register for college classes.
The first student asked,"Jack,what courses are you going to take?"
The second student answered,"history,English,geography,trigonometry,and physical education."
"Which history course?"
"The history of the Civil War,Professor Mark is teaching it."
"Not the famous professor Mark!He's such a bore!"
"How is that?"
"Over half the class sleep while White lectures."
"Fine,that's just the class I was looking for."
"I don't understand."
"I don't sleep well and I need a cure for my insomnia."
20 The Proportions Are Incorrect
When my brother,Mike,attended the University of Min‐nesota,an art‐student friend of his asked if he could paint Mike's portrait for a class assignment.Mike agreed,and the art student painted and submitted the portrait,only to receive a C minus.The art student asked the professor why the grade was so poor.
The teacher told him that the proportions in the painting were incorrect."The head is too big,"the professor explained,"The shoulders are too wide,and the feet are enormous."
The next day,the art student brought Mike to see the professor.He took one look at my brother."Okay,A minus."he said.
21 A Girl's Examination
A beautiful girl reports for her University Final Examination that consists of Y/N‐type questions.
She takes her seat in the examination hall,stares at the question paper for three minutes,and then in a fit of inspiration takes her purse out,removes a coin and starts tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet.
With in half an hour she finishes her paper whereas the rest of the class is sweating it out.During the last 10 minutes,she is desperately throwing the coin.
The moderator,alarmed,approaches her and asks what is going on.
"I finished the exam in half an hour.But,"she says,"I'm rechecking my answers."