CEP Core Experimental Procedure(核心实验过程)
CS the Chinese Student(中国学生)
CT the Chinese Teacher(中国教师)
EFL English as a Foreign Language(英语作为一门外语)
EO the English Original(英语原声)
ES the English Student(英美学生)
ESCCL English Speech Corpus of Chinese Learners(中国英语学习者语音数据库)
ET the English Teacher(英美教师)
GAGI Good Articulation with Good Intonation(音好调好)
GAPI Good Articulation with Poor Intonation(音好调差)
Hz Hertz(赫兹)
L2 Second Language(第二语言)
M mean(平均值)
ms millisecond(毫秒)
PAGI Poor Articulation with Good Intonation(音差调好)
PAPI Poor Articulation with Poor Intonation(音差调差)
RT response time(反应时)
SD standard deviation(标准差)
SLPA Second Language Phonological Acquisition(二语语音习得)
stim stimulus(刺激)