Part I: Multiple Access Techniques: FDMA, TDMA and CDMA
Multiple access schemes are used to allow many simultaneous users to use the same fixed bandwidth radio spectrum. In any radio system, the allocated bandwidth is always limited. For mobile phone systems the total bandwidth is typically 50MHz, which is split in half to provide the forward and reverse links of the system. Sharing of the spectrum is required in order to increase the user capacity of any wireless network. FDMA, TDMA and CDMA are the three major methods of sharing the available bandwidth to multiple users in wireless system. There are many extensions, and hybrid techniques for these methods, such as OFDM, and hybrid TDMA and FDMA systems. However, an understanding of the three major methods is required for understanding of any extensions to these methods.
Frequency division multiple access
In Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), the available bandwidth is subdivided into a number of narrower bands. Each user is allocated a unique frequency band in which to transmit and receive. During a call, no other user can use the same frequency band. Each user is allocated a forward link channel (from the base station to the mobile phone) and a reverse channel (back to the base station), each being a single way link. The transmitted signal on each of the channels is continuous allowing analog transmissions. The bandwidths of FDMA channels are generally low (30 kHz) as each channel only supports one user. FDMA is used as the primary breakup of large allocated frequency bands and is used as part of most multi-channel systems. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show the allocation of the available bandwidth into several channels.

Figure 5.1 FDMA showing that the each narrow band channel is allocated to a single user

Figure 5.2 FDMA spectrum, where the available bandwidth is subdivided into narrower band channels
Time division multiple access
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) divides the available spectrum into multiple time slots, by giving each user a time slot in which they can transmit or receive. Figure 5.3 shows how the time slots are provided to users in a round robin fashion, with each user being allotted one time slot per frame.1

Figure 5.3 TDMA scheme where each user is allocated a small time slot
TDMA systems transmit data in a buffer and burst method, thus the transmission of each channel is non-continuous. The input data to be transmitted is buffered over the previous frame and burst transmitted at a higher rate during the time slot for the channel.2 TDMA cannot send analog signals directly due to the buffering required, thus is only used for transmitting digital data. TDMA can suffer from multipath effects as the transmission rate is generally very high. This leads the multipath signals causing inter-symbol interference.
TDMA is normally used in conjunction with FDMA to subdivide the total available bandwidth into several channels. This is done to reduce the number of users per channel allowing a lower data rate to be used. This helps reduce the effect of delay spread on the transmission. Figure 5.4 shows the use of TDMA with FDMA. Each channel based on FDMA, is further subdivided using TDMA, so that several users can transmit over one channel. This type of transmission technique is used by most digital second generation mobile phone systems. For GSM, the total allocated bandwidth of 25MHz is divided into 125 channels using FDMA, each having a bandwidth of 200 kHz. These channels are then subdivided further by using TDMA so that each 200 kHz channel allows 8~16 users.

Figure 5.4 TDMA/FDMA hybrid in which the bandwidth is split into frequency channels and time slots
Code division multiple access
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a spread spectrum technique that uses neither frequency channels nor time slots. In CDMA, the narrow band message (typically digitized voice data) is multiplied by a large bandwidth signal which is a pseudo random noise code (PN code). All users in a CDMA system use the same frequency band and transmit simultaneously. The transmitted signal is recovered by correlating the received signal with the PN code used by the transmitter. Figure 5.5 shows the general use of the spectrum using CDMA.

Figure 5.5 Code division multiple access (CDMA)
CDMA technology was originally developed by the military during World War Ⅱ.Researches were spurred into looking at ways of communicating that would be secure and work in the presence of jamming. Some of the properties that have made CDMA useful are:
·Signal hiding and non-interference with existing systems..
·Anti-jam and interference rejection.
·Information security.
·Accurate ranging.
·Multiple user access.
·Multipath tolerance.
For many years, spread spectrum technology was considered solely for military applications. However, with rapid developments in LSI and VLSI designs, commercial systems are starting to be used.
CDMA process gain
One of the most important concepts required in order to understand spread spectrum techniques is the idea of process gain. The process gain of a system indicates the gain or signal to noise improvement exhibited by a spread spectrum system by the nature of the spreading and despreading process.3 The process gain of a system is equal to the ratio of the spread spectrum bandwidth used, to the original data bit rate. Thus, the process gain can be written as:

where BWRFis the transmitted bandwidth after the data is spread, and BWinfois the bandwidth of the information data being sent.
Figure 5.6 shows the process of a CDMA transmission. The data to be transmitted (a) is spread before transmission by modulating the data using a PN code. This broadens the spectrum as shown in (b). In this example the process gain is 125 as the spread spectrum bandwidth is 125 times greater than the data bandwidth. Part (c) shows the received signal. This consists of the required signal, plus background noise, and any interference from other CDMA users or radio sources. The received signal is recovered by multiplying the signal by the original spreading code. This process causes the wanted received signal to be despread back to the original transmitted data. However, all other signals uncorrelated to the PN spreading code used become more spread. The wanted signal in (d) is then filtered removing the wide spread interference and noise signals.

Figure 5.6 Basic CDMA transmission
CDMA generation
CDMA is achieved by modulating the data signal by a pseudo random noise sequence (PN code), which has a chip rate higher than the bit rate of the data. The PN code sequence is a sequence of ones and zeros (called chips), which alternate in a random fashion. The data is modulated by modular-2 adding the data with the PN code sequence. This can also be done by multiplying the signals, provided the data and PN code are represented by 1 and-1 instead of 1 and 0. Figure 5.7 shows a basic CDMA transmitter.

Figure 5.7 Simple direct sequence modulator
The PN code used to spread the data can be of two main types. A short PN code (typically 10~128 chips in length) can be used to modulate each data bit. The short PN code is then repeated for every data bit allowing for quick and simple synchronization of the receiver. Figure 5.8 shows the generation of a CDMA signal using a 10-chip length short code. Alternatively a long PN code can be used. Long codes are generally thousands to millions of chips in length, thus are only repeated infrequently. Because of this they are useful for added security as they are more difficult to decode.

Figure 5.8 Direct sequence signals
CDMA forward link encoding
The forward link, from the base station to the mobile, of a CDMA system can use special orthogonal PN codes called Walsh code, for separating the multiple users on the same channel. These are based on a Walsh matrix, which is a square matrix with binary elements, and dimensions which are a power of two. It is generated from the basis W1= 0 and that:

where Wn is the Walsh matrix of dimension n.For example:

Walsh codes are orthogonal, which means that the dot product of any two rows is zero. This is due to the fact that for any two rows exactly half the number of bits match and half do not.
Each row of a Walsh matrix can be used as the PN code of a user in a CDMA system. By doing this the signals from each user is orthogonal to every other user, resulting in no interference between the signals.4 However, in order for Walsh codes to work the transmitted chips from all users must be synchronized. If the Walsh code used by one user is shifted in time by more than about 1/10 of a chip period with respect to all the other Walsh codes, it loses its orthogonal nature, resulting in inter-user interference.5 For the forward link signals for all the users originate from the base station, allowing the signals to be easily synchronized.
CDMA reverse link encoding
The reverse link is different to the forward link because the signals from each user do not originate from a same source as in the forward link. The transmission from each user will arrive at a different time, due to propagation delay and synchronization errors. Due to the unavoidable timing errors between the users, there is little point in using Walsh codes as they will no longer be orthogonal.6 For this reason simple pseudo random sequence which are uncorrelated, but not orthogonal are used for the PN codes of each user.
The capacity is different for the forward and the reverse links because of the differences in modulation. The reverse link is not orthogonal, resulting in significant inter-user interference. For this reason the reverse channel sets the capacity of the system.7
Part Ⅱ: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)—essentially identical to Coded OFDM (COFDM)—is a digital multi-carrier modulation scheme, which uses a large number of closely-spaced orthogonal sub-carriers. Each sub-carrier is modulated with a conventional modulation scheme (such as quadrature amplitude modulation) at a low symbol rate, maintaining data rates similar to conventional single-carrier modulation schemes in the same bandwidth. In practice, OFDM signals are generated using the fast Fourier transform algorithm.
OFDM has developed into a popular scheme for wideband digital communication systems with a wide range of applications. The primary advantage of OFDM over single-carrier schemes is its ability to cope with severe channel conditions—for example, attenuation of high frequencies at a long copper wire, narrowband interference and frequency-selective fading due to multipath—without complex equalization filters.1 Channel equalization is simplified because OFDM may be viewed as using many slowly-modulated narrowband signals rather than one rapidly-modulated wideband signal. Low symbol rate makes the use of a guard interval between symbols affordable, making it possible to handle time-spreading and eliminate inter-symbol interference (ISI).
A major disadvantage of OFDM is the high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR), requiring more expensive transmitter circuitry, and possibly lowering power efficiency. In addition, it is sensitive to Doppler shift and frequency synchronization problems.
In OFDM, the sub-carrier frequencies are chosen so that the sub-carriers are orthogonal to each other, meaning that cross-talk between the sub-channels is eliminated and inter-carrier guard bands are not required. This greatly simplifies the design of both the transmitter and the receiver; unlike conventional FDM, a separate filter for each sub-channel is not required.
The orthogonality also allows high spectral efficiency, near the Nyquist rate.2 Almost the whole available frequency band can be utilized. OFDM generally has a nearly “white”spectrum, giving it benign electromagnetic interference properties with respect to other co-channel users.3
The orthogonality allows for efficient modulator and demodulator implementation using the FFT algorithm. Although the principles and some of the benefits have been known since the 1960s, OFDM is popular for wideband communications today by way of low-cost digital signal processing components that can efficiently calculate the FFT.
OFDM requires very accurate frequency synchronization between the receiver and the transmitter; with frequency deviation, the sub-carriers shall no longer be orthogonal, causing inter-carrier interference (ICI), i.e. cross-talk between the sub-carriers. Frequency offsets are typically caused by mismatched transmitter and receiver oscillators, or by Doppler shift due to movement. Whilst Doppler shift alone may be compensated for by the receiver, the situation is worsened when combined with multipath, as reflections will appear at various frequency offsets, which is much harder to correct.4 This effect typically worsens as speed increases, and is an important factor limiting the use of OFDM in high-speed vehicles. Several techniques for ICI suppression are suggested, but they may increase the receiver complexity.
Guard interval for elimination of inter-symbol interference
One key principle of OFDM is that since low symbol rate modulation schemes (i.e. where the symbols are relatively long compared to the channel time characteristics) suffer less from intersymbol interference caused by multipath, it is advantageous to transmit a number of low-rate streams in parallel instead of a single high-rate stream.5 Since the duration of each symbol is long, it is feasible to insert a guard interval between the OFDM symbols, thus eliminating the intersymbol interference.
The guard interval also eliminates the need for a pulse-shaping filter, and it reduces the sensitivity to time synchronization problems.
A simple example: If one sends a million symbols per second using conventional single-carrier modulation over a wireless channel, then the duration of each symbol would be one microsecond or less. This imposes severe constraints on synchronization and necessitates the removal of multipath interference. If the same million symbols per second are spread among one thousand sub-channels, the duration of each symbol can be longer by a factor of thousand, i.e. one millisecond, for orthogonality with approximately the same bandwidth. Assume that a guard interval of 1/8 of the symbol length is inserted between each symbol. Intersymbol interference can be avoided if the multipath time-spreading (the time between the reception of the first and the last echo) is shorter than the guard interval, i.e. 125 microseconds. This corresponds to a maximum difference of 37.5 kilometers between the lengths of the paths. The last 125 microseconds of each symbol are copied and sent in advance of the symbol as a cyclic prefix.
The cyclic prefix, which is transmitted during the guard interval, consists of the end of the OFDM symbol copied into the guard interval, and the guard interval is transmitted followed by the OFDM symbol.6 Although the guard interval only contains redundant data, which means that it reduces the capacity, some OFDM-based systems, such as some of the broadcasting systems, deliberately use a long guard interval in order to allow the transmitters to be spaced farther apart in a single frequency network (SFN), and longer guard intervals allow larger SFN cell-sizes. A rule of thumb for the maximum distance between transmitters in an SFN is equal to the distance a signal travels during the guard interval — for instance, a guard interval of 200 microseconds would allow transmitters to be spaced 60 km apart.
Simplified equalization
The effects of frequency-selective channel conditions, for example fading caused by multipath propagation, can be considered as constant (flat) over an OFDM sub-channel if the sub-channel is sufficiently narrow-banded, i.e. if the number of sub-channels is sufficiently large. This makes equalization far simpler at the receiver in OFDM in comparison to conventional single-carrier modulation. The equalizer only has to multiply each sub-carrier by a constant value, or a rarely changed value.
Our example: The OFDM equalization in the above numerical example would require N=1000 complex multiplications per OFDM symbol, i.e. one million multiplications per second, at the receiver. The FFT algorithm requires Nlog2N=10000 complex-valued multiplications per OFDM symbol, i.e. 10 million multiplications per second, at both the receiver and transmitter side. This should be compared with the corresponding one million symbols/second single-carrier modulation case mentioned in the example, where the equalization of 125 microseconds time-spreading using a FIR filter would require 125 multiplications per symbol, i.e. 125 million multiplications per second.
Some of the sub-carriers in some of the OFDM symbols may carry pilot signals for measurement of the channel conditions, i.e. the equalizer gain for each sub-carrier. Pilot signals may also be used for synchronization.
If differential modulation such as DPSK or DQPSK is applied to each sub-carrier, equalization can be completely omitted, since these schemes are insensitive to slowly changing amplitude and phase distortion.
Channel coding and interleaving
OFDM is invariably used in conjunction with channel coding (forward error correction), and almost always uses frequency and/or time interleaving.
Frequency (subcarrier) interleaving increases resistance to frequency-selective channel conditions such as fading. For example, when a part of the channel bandwidth is faded, frequency interleaving ensures that the bit errors that would result from those subcarriers in the faded part of the bandwidth are spread out in the bit-stream rather than being concentrated.7 Similarly, time interleaving ensures that bits that are originally close together in the bit-stream are transmitted far apart in time, thus mitigating against severe fading as would happen when traveling at high speed.
However, time interleaving is of little benefit in slowly fading channels, such as for stationary reception, and frequency interleaving offers little to no benefit for narrowband channels that suffer from flat-fading (where the whole channel bandwidth is faded at the same time).
Interleaving is used in OFDM to spread the errors out in the bit-stream that is presented to the error correction decoder, because when such decoders are presented with a high concentration of errors the decoder is unable to correct all the bit errors, and a burst of uncorrected errors occurs.
A common type of error correction coding used with OFDM-based systems is convolutional coding, which is often concatenated with Reed-Solomon coding. Convolutional coding is used as the inner code and Reed-Solomon coding is used for the outer code — usually with additional interleaving (on top of the time and frequency interleaving mentioned above) in between the two layers of coding. The reason why this combination of error correction coding is used is that the Viterbi decoder used for convolutional decoding produces short errors bursts when there is a high concentration of errors, and Reed-Solomon codes are inherently well-suited to correcting bursts of errors.