B bell ringer 就是这个;打开局面;扭转乾坤
Idiom Defnition
used to describe a very desirable or advantageous person, place or thing
成语定义 用来形容很有吸引力或好处很多的人、地点或事物。
例 I really like that idea. I think it's a bell ringer.
例 We need a real bell ringer from research and development.
This comes from carnivals and road shows that almost always have games to test one's skill or strength. One of the most popular is the hammer.Just about every show has one.The hammer is actually a wooden mallet.The contestant hits the raised end of a little seesaw as hard as possible.There's a metal slide resting on the other end, that shoots up the rod to ring the bell.
背景资料 这个词是从嘉年华会或街头表演那里来的,当时有很多游戏可以考验参加者的技巧或力量。其中最受欢迎的一项是铁槌游戏,差不多每个表演会场都有。说是铁槌其实是木槌,参加竞赛的人会用力敲打小跷跷板升高的那一头,另一头则有一个金属滑板,会把一根棒子迅速升起,然后把钟敲响。
Business Use
It's used to identify a good person, place, or thing, but especially a good idea. It's also a code term for what's between the quotation marks.“This is an excellent idea, and in my opinion, exactly what we need.”
商业用法 这个词用来识别好的人、地点或事物,但特别用来指想法。以下面这句引号里的话为例:“这个主意真不错,依我看来,它完全符合我们的需要。”这个词就是描述这类情况的一种说法。
“That rings the bell.”
“It rings my bell.”
Alternatives 相关用语
◇good one 这个好
◇that should do it 那个应该没问题
◆hit the mark 击中目标;成功
◇hits the spot 击中要点
◇wins the prize 得奖
◇wins all the marbles 大赢家