rabbit [ˈræbɪt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 兔子,兔肉,野兔
v. 猎兔
My dog likes chasing rabbits.
【同义词】 hare [heə(r)] n. 野兔 venison [ˈvenɪsn] n. 鹿肉
wild boar 野猪 pheasant [ˈfeznt] n. 雉,野鸡
race [reɪs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 赛跑,竞争
v. 参加比赛
He withdrew from the race for some special reason.
【相关词】 racer [ˈreɪsə(r)] n. 赛跑者 racetrack [ˈreɪstræk] n. 赛道跑道
walking [ˈwɔ:kɪŋ] n. 竞走 marathon [ˈmærəθən] n. 马拉松
race [reɪs]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 种族,民族
This custom is found in some races in the tropical forests.
【相关词】 racial [ˈreɪʃl] adj. 种族的,种族间的
racism [ˈreɪsɪzəm] n. 种族主义
racial discrimination 种族歧视
racial segregation 种族隔离
racing [ˈreɪsɪŋ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 赛马,赛马业
adj. 赛马的,对比赛入迷的,比赛用的
It is quite exciting to watch a racing.
【相关词】 race course 赛马跑道 racegoer [ˈreɪsɡəʊə(r)] n. 观看赛马的人
race meeting 赛马大会 gymkhana [dʒɪmˈkɑ:nə] n. 赛马
rail [reɪl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
n. 栏杆,扶手,铁轨,铁路
v. 围以栅栏,由铁路运送,责骂,挑剔
That day she leaned on the rail of the second floor to see off her son who was going into the army.
【相关词】 handrail [ˈhændreɪl] n.(楼梯等的)扶手
【同义词】 railing [ˈreɪlɪŋ] n. 围栏,栏杆 balustrade [ˌbæləˈstreɪd] n. 栏杆
rain [reɪn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 雨,雨水,下雨,雨天
v. 下雨,(雨点般)落下,倾注
The shelter might fall down if it rains more heavily.
【相关词】 rainfall [ˈreɪnfɔ:l] n. 降雨量 raindrop [ˈreɪndrɒp] n. 雨滴
rainwater [ˈreɪnwɔ:tə(r)] n. 雨水
rainy [ˈreɪnɪ] adj. 阴雨的,多雨的
raise [reɪz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 筹集,养育
He is going to raise funds to build a factory nearby.
【相关词】 riser [ˈraɪzə(r)] n. 筹集者 collect [kəˈlekt] v. 募捐,募集
collection [kəˈlekʃən] n. 募捐,募集
raise [reɪz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 抬起,举起
If you have any question, raise your hand, please.
【相关词】 raised [reɪzd] adj. 凸起的 raising [ˈreɪzɪŋ] n. 增加,提高
carry [ˈkærɪ] v. 搬运
【同义词】 lift [lɪft] v. 举起,提高 elevate [ˈelɪveɪt] v. 举起,抬高
rapid [ˈræpɪd]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 迅速的,快速的
n. 急流
The runner was so rapid that nobody could catch up with him.
【相关词】 rapidly [ˈræpɪd] adv. 迅速地 rapidity [rəˈpɪdətɪ] n. 迅速
fast [fɑ:st] adj. 快的,迅速的 quick [kwɪk] adj. 迅速的,快的
read [ri:d]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 阅读,朗读,看懂,辨认出
n. 读物,阅读
Many students can read English, but they can't speak it.
【相关词】 readable [ˈri:dəbl] adj. 通俗易懂的
reading [ˈri:dɪŋ] n. 阅读,读书活动
reader [ˈri:də(r)] n. 读者 reading room 阅览室
readership [ˈri:dəʃɪp] n.(某报刊、杂志等的)读者
reading room…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
I plan to read a few stories in the reading room to kill my afternoon.
【相关词】 reference book 参考书,工具书
reference [ˈrefrəns] n. 参考,查询
reality [rɪˈælətɪ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 现实,真实,真实性,实际,实体
In reality, he is more competent than what you see now.
【相关词】 real-life [ˈrɪəlˈlaɪf] adj. 真实的,现实的
realist [ˈri:əlɪst] n. 现实主义者,唯实论者
realism [ˈri:əlɪzəm] n. 写实主义,现实主义
realistic [ˌri:əˈlɪstɪk] adj. 现实的,现实主义的
realistically [ˌri:əˈlɪstɪklɪ] adv. 实际地,现实地
receipt [rɪˈsi:t]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
n. 收据,收条
v. 开收据
Don't forget to ask for a receipt from the shop owner.
【相关词】 receivable [rɪˈsi:vəbl] adj. 应收款的
receivables [rɪˈsi:vəblz] n. 应收款项 invoice [ˈɪnvɔɪs] n. 发票
recycle [ˌri:ˈsaɪkl]…………………………………………考研 IELTS GRE
v. 回收利用,使再循环,使再生,改建,重复利用
Do you think people should recycle newspapers?
【相关词】 recyclable [ˌri:ˈsaɪkləbl] adj. 可回收利用的
recycling [ˌri:ˈsaɪklɪŋ] n. 回收利用
reproducible [ˌri:prəˈdju:səbl] adj. 可再生的
reproduce [ˌri:prəˈdju:s] v. 再生产,再制造
red [red]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 红色的
n. 红色
Do you mind me painting the sun red?
【相关词】 scarlet [ˈskɑ:lət] adj. 绯红的,猩红的 pink [pɪŋk] adj. 粉红色的
crimson [ˈkrɪmzn] adj. 深红色的
carmine [ˈkɑ:maɪn] adj. 深红色的
reflection [rɪˈflekʃn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 反射,反映,反射光,想法,思考
If we put a mirror in our room, the reflection will make it brighter.
【相关词】 reflect [rɪˈflekt] v. 反映,反射
reflective [rɪˈflektɪv] adj. 反射的,反映的,沉思的
reflector [rɪˈflektə(r)] n. 反射镜,反射体
reject [rɪˈdʒekt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
v. 拒绝,抛弃,扔掉,抵制,呕吐,不予考虑
We have the right to reject our parents' wrong suggestions or requirements
【相关词】 rejection [rɪˈdʒekʃn] n. 拒绝, 被弃
veto [ˈvi:təʊ] v. 反对,拒绝接受 overrule [ˌəʊvəˈru:l] v. 否定,拒绝
relation [rɪˈleɪʃn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 关系,联系,亲戚,亲属
After the venerable scholar died, all of his friends and relations attended his funeral.
【相关词】 related [rɪˈleɪtɪd] adj. 有关系的
relationship [rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp] n. 关系,亲属关系
blood relation 血亲,骨肉
【同义词】 relative [ˈrelətɪv] n. 亲戚,亲属
folks [ˈfəʊks] n. 亲属,(尤指)父母
relax [rɪˈlæks]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
v. 放松,休息,缓和,松懈,减轻
After one-day rush work, I want to have a drink and relax myself.
【相关词】 relaxation [ˌri:lækˈseɪʃn] n. 消遣,松弛,放松
relaxed [rɪˈlækst] adj. 放松的,松懈的
relaxing [rɪˈlæksɪŋ] adj. 轻松的 ease [i:z] n. 安逸,悠闲
religion [rɪˈlɪdʒən]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL GRE
n. 宗教,宗教信仰
As a matter of fact, many international disputes are connected with religion.
【相关词】 religiosity [rɪˌlɪdʒɪˈɒsətɪ] n. 笃信宗教,虔诚
religious [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] adj. 宗教信仰的,宗教的
religiously [rɪˈlɪdʒəslɪ] adv. 虔诚地,与宗教相关地
rent [rent]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL GRE
n. 租金
v. 出租,租借,租用
The rent for the room is too high for the young man, who has just graduated from the college.
【相关词】 rental [ˈrentl] n. 出租,租赁 rented [rentɪd] adj. 租用的,租借的
renter [ˈrentə(r)] n. 租用人,租户
rent-free [ˈrentˈfri:] adj. 免租金的
repair [rɪˈpeə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 修理,修补,纠正,补救,补偿
n. 修理,修复
We need not repair the machine, for it operates quite normally.
【相关词】 repairable [rɪˈpeərəbl] adj. 可修理的,可赔偿的,可挽回的
irreparable [ɪˈrepərəbl] adj. 不可修理的,不可挽回的
overhaul [ˈəʊvəhɔ:l] v. 翻修,仔细检查,革新,赶上
repeat [rɪˈpi:t]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 重复,反复,重做
n. 重演,重复
Susan said she didn't catch on and asked me to repeat what I had said.
【相关词】 repeatable [rɪˈpi:təbl] adj. 可重复的
unrepeatable [ˌʌnrɪˈpi:təbl] adj. 不可重复的
repeated [rɪˈpi:tɪd] adj. 重复的
repeatedly [rɪˈpi:tɪdlɪ] adv. 重复地
replace [rɪˈpleɪs]…………………………………………CET6 IELTS 考研 TOEFL
v. 代替,取代
Cars have replaced carriages gradually.
【相关词】 replaceable [rɪˈpleɪsəbl] adj. 可替换的
irreplaceable [ˌɪrɪˈpleɪsəbl] adj. 不可替换的
replacement [rɪˈpleɪsmənt] n. 替换,更换
supersession [ˌsju:pəˈseʃən] n. 代替,更替
report [rɪˈpɔ:t]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 报道,公布,宣告
n. 报告
It is reported that this will be a big problem in large cities of our country.
【相关词】 reportage [repɔ:ˈtɑ:ʒ] n. 新闻报道,报告文学
reportedly [rɪˈpɔ:tɪdlɪ] adv. 据报道,据说
reporter [rɪˈpɔ:tə(r)] n. 记者 reporting [rɪˈpɔ:tɪŋ] n. 报告
reserve [rɪˈzɜ:v]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL GRE
v. 保留,预订,推迟,储备
n. 储备,保存
adj. 保留的,后备的,备用的,预备的
Thank you for reserving a seat for me.
【相关词】 reserved [rɪˈzɜ:vd] adj. 预订的
reservation [ˌrezəˈveɪʃn] n. 订房间,预订,保留
cancellation [ˌkænsəˈleɪʃn] n. 取消预定
【同义词】 book [bʊk] v. 预订
restroom [ˈrestru:m]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
n. 卫生间,洗手间
The girl has gone to the restroom to fix her makeup, and I am here waiting for her.
【相关词】 wash room 洗手间 public toilet 公共厕所
revise [rɪˈvaɪz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL GRE
v. 修改,修订
Our teacher asked you to revise the errors in your composition.
【相关词】 revision [rɪˈvɪʒn] n. 修订本,校订
emend [ɪˈmend] v. 修订,校改
emendation [ˌi:menˈdeɪʃn] n. 校订,修改
revolution [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
n. 革命,革命运动,旋转,循环,周期
It is necessary for us to make an information revolution.
【相关词】 revolutionary [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃənərɪ] adj. 革命的;n. 革命者
revolutionize [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃənaɪz] v. 彻底改变,完全变革
【同义词】 overthrow [ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ] v. & n. 推翻,打倒
topple [ˈtɒpl] v. 推翻,颠覆
riddle [ˈrɪdl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
n. 谜,谜语
v. 筛分,解迷
She advised us to guess riddles to kill our time.
【相关词】 crossword [ˈkrɒswɜ:d] n. 填字游戏
jigsaw [ˈdʒɪɡsɔ:] n. 拼图,拼图玩具 maze [meɪz] n. 迷宫
【同义词】 puzzle [ˈpʌzl] n. 谜 conundrum [kəˈnʌndrəm] n. 谜语
right [raɪt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
adj. 对的,正确的,右方的
adv. 立刻,马上
I will write the right answers on the blackboard and then explain them to you one by one.
【相关词】 rightly [ˈraɪtlɪ] adv. 正确地,正义地
rightful [ˈraɪtfl] adj. 合理的,合法的
righteous [ˈraɪtʃəs] adj. 正直的,公正的
ring [rɪŋ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 戒指
She was sad because she lost the ring her husband gave her.
【相关词】 ringed [rɪŋd] adj. 戴戒指的 brooch [brəʊtʃ] n. 胸针
earring [ˈɪərɪŋ] n. 耳环,耳饰 clip-on earring 夹式耳环
risk [rɪsk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 风险,冒险,危险人物,危险因素
v. 冒险
He told me that he would have a try at all risks.
【相关词】 risky [ˈrɪskɪ] adj. 危险的,冒险的 riskily [ˈrɪskɪlɪ] adv. 冒险地
【同义词】 hazard [ˈhæzəd] n. 危险; v. 冒险
river [ˈrɪvə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 河,江
We went for a walk along the river last night after dinner.
【相关词】 river bed 河床 riverfront [ˈrɪvəfrʌnt] n. 滨河地区
riverside [ˈrɪvəsaɪd] n. 河畔,河岸
rivulet [ˈrɪvjələt] n. 小河,小溪
the Yellow River 黄河 the Yangtze River 长江
road [rəʊd]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 路,道路,路线,途径,方法
The road from school to my home used to be dirty and bumpy.
【相关词】 road sense 交通安全意识 roadside [ˈrəʊdsaɪd] n. 路边,路旁
roadhouse [ˈrəʊdhaʊs] n.(公路旁的)旅馆,酒馆
roadworks [ˈrəʊdwɜ:ks] n. 道路检修
asphalt [ˈæsfɔ:lt] n. 沥青,柏油
roast [rəʊst]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL GRE
n. 烤肉,烧烤
The boxer bought a roast from the butcher.
【相关词】 broth [brɒθ] n. 肉汤,清汤
giblets [ˈdʒɪbləts] n.(禽类的)内脏
stew [stju:] n. 炖肉 bouillon [ˈbu:jɒn] n.(法)肉汤
rob [rɒb]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 抢劫,掠夺,使丧失
It is said that Peter was accused of robbing the jewelry store.
【相关词】 robber [ˈrɒbə(r)] n. 强盗,抢劫犯
robbery [ˈrɒbərɪ] n. 盗窃,抢劫 bandit [ˈbændɪt] n. 盗匪
highwayman [ˈhaɪweɪmən] n. 拦路抢劫者
robot [ˈrəʊbɒt]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 机器人,自动操作装置,遥控装置,机械呆板的人
It is said that the robots will replace the machines in factories.
【相关词】 robotic[rəʊˈbɒtɪk] adj. 机器人的
robotics [rəʊˈbɒtɪks] n. 机器人学
engineer [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)] n. 工程师
engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] n. 工程
rock [rɒk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 岩石,石头,巨石
adj. 岩石的,岩石制成的
This house was built on the rock, which seems to be dangerous in heavy storms.
【相关词】 rocky [ˈrɒkɪ] adj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的
quartz [kwɔ:ts] n. 石英 marble [ˈmɑ:bl] n. 大理石
granite [ˈɡrænɪt] n. 花岗石 basalt [ˈbæsɔ:lt] n. 玄武岩
petrology [pəˈtrɒlədʒɪ] n. 岩石学
limestone [ˈlaɪmstəʊn] n. 石灰石
rock [rɒk]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 摇滚乐
v. 使左右摇晃,使来回摆动,使不安
Very loud rock is a kind of noise for me.
【相关词】 rockabilly [ˈrɒkəbɪlɪ] n. 乡村摇滚乐 rock and roll 摇滚乐
rocker [ˈrɒkə(r)] n. 摇滚乐演奏者 classical music 古典音乐
role [rəʊl]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL
Who will play the leading role in our drama?
【相关词】 role-play [ˈrəʊlˌpleɪ] n. 角色扮演 part [pɑ:t] n. 角色,台词
character [ˈkærəktə(r)] n.(戏剧、电影中的)人物,角色
romance [rəʊˈmæns]…………………………………………CET6 考研
n. 恋爱,爱情,浪漫史,浪漫故事,浪漫文学
v. 虚构, 渲染, 夸大,奉承,追求
Her mother strongly objected to her romance with that boy.
【相关词】 romantic [rəʊˈmæntɪk] adj. 爱情的
romantic relationship 恋爱关系
attached [əˈtætʃt] adj. 依恋的,爱慕的
attachment [əˈtætʃmənt] n. 依恋,爱慕
roof [ru:f]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 屋顶,顶部,车顶,上腭
v. 覆盖,保护
The roof of the cottage was blown away by the strong wind last night.
【相关词】 skylight [ˈskaɪlaɪt] n. 天窗 chimney [ˈtʃɪmnɪ] n. 烟囱
antenna [ænˈtenə] n. 天线 aerial [ˈeərɪəl] n. 天线
room [ru:m]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 房间,室,余地,空间
v. 租房,为……提供住处,住宿
After coming back from the party, she locked herself in the room for a whole day without one word.
【相关词】 roommate [ˈrʊmmeɪt] n. 室友,同住一室的人
dining room 餐厅 bedroom [ˈbedru:m] n. 卧室
root [ru:t]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 根,根源,根茎,本质
v. 使生根,使固定,根除
What is the square root of this number?
【相关词】 square root 平方根 cube root 立方根
rooting [ˈru:tɪŋ] n. 求根,开平方
rose [rəʊz]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 蔷薇,玫瑰
adj. 玫瑰色的
v. 使(面颊)发红,使成玫瑰色
Lucy is glad to receive a bunch of roses on Valentine's Day.
【相关词】 roseate [ˈrəʊzɪət] adj. 玫瑰色的
rosebud [ˈrəʊzbʌd] n. 玫瑰花蕾
rose-colored [rəʊzˌkʌləd] adj. 玫瑰色的
rosemary [ˈrəʊzmərɪ] n. 迷迭香
rosette [rəʊˈzet] n. 玫瑰型饰物
row [rəʊ]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 划船
n. 行,排
We plan to row boats this weekend with our parents.
【相关词】 rowing boat 划艇
rowboat [ˈrəʊbəʊt] n. 划艇
rowing [ˈrəʊɪŋ] n. 划船,划艇运动
rower [ˈrəʊə(r)] n. 划船者
rule [ru:l]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 统治,控制,支配,判决
n. 规则,规定,章程
The dictator rules the country by compulsion.
【相关词】 ruler [ˈru:lə(r)] n. 统治者,支配者
ruling [ˈru:lɪŋ] adj. 占统治地位的
govern [ˈɡʌvn] v. 统治,管理,治理
governance [ˈɡʌvənəns] n. 统治,管理
governing [ˈɡʌvənɪŋ] adj. 统治的,管理的
ruler [ˈru:lə(r)]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
n. 尺,统治者
A ruler is useful for students, since it can be used to draw straight lines.
【相关词】 measure [ˈmeʒə(r)] v. 测量;n. 尺度,尺子
measurable [ˈmeʒərəbəl] adj. 可测量的
measurement [ˈmeʒəmənt] n. 衡量,测量
tape measure 卷尺,皮尺
run [rʌn]…………………………………………CET4 CET6 考研
v. 跑,奔跑,移动,经营,运行
n. 逃跑,奔跑,行程,一系列
Seeing that her mother came, she immediately ran down to meet her.
【相关词】 runaway [ˈrʌnəweɪ] 逃跑的,出走的
runner [ˈrʌnə(r)] n. 奔跑的人
jump [dʒʌmp] v. 跳
running [ˈrʌnɪŋ] n. 跑,跑步(运动)
leap [li:p] v. 跳,跳跃
leapfrog [ˈli:pfrɒɡ] n. 蛙跳游戏