Part B Practical Key Sentences
1.light talk before formal negotiation
Did you have a good time yesterday?
Did you have a pleasant flight?
Yes, the flight was smooth. The service was good, too.
How do you like the weather here?It's nice. It is really sunny.
What do you think of your hotel?
Do you like the food here?
2.starting the negotiation
Well, since you both have had a good time, maybe it's time to talk business now.
Well, shall we get down to business?
Well, I understand that you want to buy some leather shoulder bags from us.
OK, let's get down to our main point.
May I know what line of business you are in?
Could you give me a general picture of your company?
Well, the purpose of my visiting your company is to inquire about the possibility of establishing
business relationships with you.
This is the outline of our proposal. Now, let's talk about business.
I'm glad to hear that you've overcome jet-lag. Now let's talk business.
3.making an offer
We are pleased to offer you……
We would like to offer you……
As requested, we are pleased to make you a firm offer.
Our offer is a non-firm offer. It is subject to our final confirmation.
Could you make an offer on FOB basis?
We were thinking of making you an offer.
4.counter offer
I'm afraid we found it rather on the high side.
In reply, we regret to inform you that your price is out of line with the market here.
I don't think your price is in alignment.
We can not close negotiations at that price.
Your price is too high for us to accept.
Your quotation is beyond our reach.
Yet on the other hand, your price is not as competitive as theirs.
It's true that our price is higher, but isn't it equally true that our quality is better?
5.making a concession
I suggest that you increase your quantity to 10,000 pcs, we'll manage to make USD 5. 00.
We are prepared to allow you a 5%discount if you can increase the quantity of your order to 2,000 dozen.
May I suggest we go fifty-fifty and close the gap?
I think we should fill the gap by compromise.
Shall we meet half way?Each makes a further concession so that business can be done.
We agree to grant you a 5%discount.
With an eye to future business, we'll make an exception and allow you a 2%discount.
In order to promote our business, we are prepared to give you a 3%discount.
For the sake of encouraging future business, we may grant you a special discount of 1%.
From a sincere desire to increase trade between us, we are going to reduce our price by 2%.
6.sentence patterns for price negotiation
Business is closed at this price.
Your price is acceptable(unacceptable).你方价格可接受(不可接受)。
Your price is feasible(infeasible).你方价格是可行(不可行)的。
Your price is workable.你方出价可行。
Your price is realistic(unrealistic).你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。
Your price is reasonable(unreasonable).你方价格合理(不合理)。
The goods are(not)competitively priced.此定价有(无)竞争力。
The goods are priced too high.定价太高。
Your price is prohibitive.你方价格高得令人望而却步。
Your price is rather stiff.你方价格相当高。
7.expressions for rising and falling of price
Price is turning high(low).价格上涨(下跌)。
Price is high(low).价格高(低)。
Price is rising(falling).价格上升(下降)。
Price is up(down).价格上涨(下跌)。
Price is looking up.价格看涨。
Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨。
Price has shot up.价格飞涨。
Price has risen in a spiral.价格螺旋上升。
Price has hiked.价格急剧抬高。
Price has risen perpendicularly.价格直线上升。
Price has advanced.价格已上涨。
Price is leveling off.价格趋平。