■ 郭宏宇 左媛媛 贾海澄 张志忠 李 科 杨志羡 林 亮 田永红 于高娃 黄喜平
刘春雷 李 伟 杨世明 范 杰
目的 了解内蒙古自治区食用盐碘含量调整后人群碘营养水平和碘缺乏病病情的消长。
方法 检测1500名8~10岁儿童的甲状腺容积、家中食用盐碘含量和尿碘含量,603名孕妇尿碘含量。甲状腺容积测定采用B超法,盐碘测定采用制盐工业通用试验方法-碘的测定(GB/T 13025.7—2012),尿碘测定采用尿中碘的砷铈催化分光光度测定方法(WS/T 107-2006)。
结果 8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率为1.67%(25/1500);盐碘中位数为23.1mg/kg,合格碘盐食用率为90.40%(1356/1500);尿碘中位数为150.99μg/L,其中﹤50μg/L的占2.7%(41/1500)。孕妇尿碘中位数为111.58μg/L,且69.4%(419/603)的孕妇尿碘﹤150μg/L。
结论 食用盐碘含量调整后,内蒙古自治区各项指标达到国家碘缺乏病消除标准,处于持续消除碘缺乏病状态。8~10岁儿童碘摄入量适宜,碘营养状况理想;孕妇存在碘营养不足问题。
ABSTRACT Objective To understand the iodine nutritional status of population and the trend of Iodine deficiency disorder, so as to adjust intervention strategy scientically. Method Thirty counties were sampled by population proportionate sampling (PPS)in the whole province.Thyroid volume of 1500 children aged 8-10 was exmined by type-B ultrasound;the iodine level in edible salt from the children’s households were tested by the generic methods of iodide testing for salt production industry (GB/T 13025.7-2012);urinary iodine level of 1500 children and 603 pregnant women was determined by arsenic cerium catalytic spectrophotometric method (WS/T 107-2006). Result The goiter rate of those children aged 8-10 was 1.67% (25/1500);the median of iodine level in edible salt from those 1500 households was 23.1mg/kg, the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 90.40% (1356/1500);and the median urinary iodine level was 150.99μg/L, among them, urinary iodine ﹤50μg/L accounted for 2.7% (41/1500).The median urinary iodine level of pregnant women was 111.58μg/L, and 69.4% (419/603)of them were less than 150μg/L. Conclusions All indicators have met the national standard of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders after the adjustment of iodine content of edible salt in Inner Mongolia.The region is in sustained elimination state of iodine deficiency.Iodine intake of children aged 8-10 is in suitable condition, but there is an iodine deficiency problem in pregnant women.
内蒙古自治区是碘缺乏病重病区,外环境普遍处于缺碘状态,全区12个盟市都存在着不同程度的碘缺乏病流行。自治区自1995年实施食盐加碘为主的综合防治措施以来,分别于1995年、1997年、1999年、2002年、2005年和2011年在全区范围开展了六次碘缺乏病病情监测工作。为全面了解碘缺乏病病情的消长趋势,及时掌握《食用盐碘含量》(GB 26878—2011)标准 [1]实施以来人群碘营养状况,客观评价碘缺乏病防治措施落实情况,科学调整干预策略。根据国家《2014年公共卫生服务地方病防治项目实施方案》、《碘缺乏病监测方案》和《2014年内蒙古自治区碘缺乏病病情监测实施方案》的要求,组织开展了2014年内蒙古自治区第七次碘缺乏病病情监测工作。