Engelbert Strauss Work-wear Store 恩格尔贝特·施特劳斯工作服专卖店
Design agency: plajer & franz studio gbr
Location: Bergkirchen, Germany
Area: 2,400m2
Photography: die photodesigner.de

设计单位:plajer & franz设计工作室
摄影:die photodesigner.de
The stores for Engelbert Strauss present the world of work-wear from a completely new perspective. The retail design concept is simple and unconventional but deeply honest. plajer & franz studio found a playful way to integrate various trade and craft references into the design concept and by doing so offer an emotional shopping experience with a clear expertise statement.
A real highlight for the youngest customers is certainly the bird's nest with an integrated slide! Deco elements such as carts transformed into display tables and mirrors, big car tyres used for the presentation of products as well as changing rooms built out of containers further enhance the emotional character of the working environment. Just as a side effect they achieve what is most important - a smile on people's faces! The shopping experience is complete only when you visit the Strauss café created from materials and elements of craftsmanship origin.

Elevation 立面图

Plan 平面图
恩格尔贝特·施特劳斯的服装店从全新的角度展示了一个工作服的世界。零售设计概念既简单又不落俗套,还能给人留下真实可靠的印象。plajer & franz设计工作室找到了一种有趣的方法,将各种贸易和技艺参数融入该设计概念,以此用一种明了而专业的方式,为顾客提供一种情感购物体验。店内最惹年轻人注目的亮点是一个集成片组成的鸟巢造型。像手推车这样的装饰元素都被拆分成为展示台和试衣镜,轮胎用来展示产品,集装箱还打造出神奇的试衣间,这些无疑都增强了室内环境的情感特性。与此同时,还收获了最重要的东西——人们脸上的笑容。只有从由表明工艺起源的原材料和元素构成的施特劳斯咖啡屋开始参观,才算得上是一次完整的购物体验。