2014年,是服装艺术与工程学院细分服装与服饰设计专业方向后的第一次毕业设计作品呈现,女装、男装、针织、运动时尚四个专业方向围绕着“未 We Up”完成毕业创作,呈现设计理念,探索与产业的“无缝链接”。3月中旬的“BIFT Fashion Week”是面向产业的汇报,3月26日北京国际时装周期间北服服装与服饰设计专场展示是与行业的交流,随后4月底的大学生时装周则是与国内相关院校的服装教育切磋。专业的调整虽仍在探索中,有不尽人意之处,但环环相扣,已是精彩纷呈。
Graduation message
Every year, from March to June, is the busiest time for School of Fashion, it is our graduation season, and the time for the students and the teachers to harvest. For four years, we are cultivating and expecting. During these 4 years, we were joyful for the success and frustrated by failure. We were inspired by culture inheritance, enlightened by the modern scientific technology, ignited by creativity, and presenting innovation in our work.
After the school was subdivided into multiple majors, in year of 2014 our school presented students’ graduation designs for the first time. The students of four major directions: women’s wear, men’s wear, knitting, and sport fashion, designed their graduation work, presented their design philosophy, and explored the possibility of seamless connection with industry under the same theme of “WEI We Up”. The “BIFT Fashion Week” held in March is a presentation to the industry. The BIFT Apparels and Jewelries design special session in Beijing International Fashion Week on March 26th is held as communication between industry peers, followed by the Undergraduate Fashion Week in the end of April, aiming at the communicating with domestic fashion schools. We are still adjusting the majors, although there exists defects, it is already splendid enough.
While being busy, we are coming to the end of graduation thesis defenses and the time for the graduates to pack their luggage without even realizing it, it is such a sudden for us to face the happiness before graduation and the sadness of departure as well. Every year the same scene repeats yet it is different from year to year in some aspects.
I wish a successful and wonderful career for every student of BIFT. Do not forget your original intention while pursuing your dream in the realistic world. May you be the explorers and promoters for the Chinese Fashion Industry and the Culture Creational Industry!
Dean of School of Fashion, BIFT
Zheng Rong