
3 厨房
四级 room

[ru:m] n 房间,室
eg. After coming back from the party, she locked herself in the room for a whole day without one word.
相关词 roommate [ˈrʊmmeɪt] n 室友,同住一室的人;
dining room餐厅;
bedroom [ˈbedru:m] n 卧室
四级 kitchen

[ˈkɪtʃɪn] n 厨房
eg. She was indeed good at cooking, but she would make a mess in the kitchen every time she cooked.
相关词 kitchenette [ˌkɪtʃɪˈnet] n 小厨房;
kitchenware [ˈkɪtʃɪnweə(r)] n 厨房用具;
四级 cook

[kʊk] v 烹饪,烹调;n 厨师
eg. I guess that your lunch must be cooked by your mother.
相关词 cookbook [ˈkʊkbʊk] n 烹饪书,食谱;
cookery [ˈkʊkərɪ] n 烹饪术;
cooking [ˈkʊkɪŋ] n 烹饪,烹调;
cookware [ˈkʊkweə(r)] n 炊具,烹饪用具;
cooker [ˈkʊkə(r)] n 灶具,厨具
四级 gas

[gæs] n 天然气
eg. Ten years ago, people in the country cooked with coal, but now they also cook with gas.
相关词 gas-fired [ˌgæsˈfaɪəd] adj 以煤气为燃料的;
gasman [ˈgæsmæn] n 煤气收费员;
explosion [ɪkˈspləʊʒn] n 爆炸
托福 gas cooker

[ɡæs][ˈkʊkə(r)] 燃气灶
eg. There must be something wrong with the gas cooker, because I failed to light it for several times.
相关词 stove [stəʊv] n 炉子,火炉;boiler [ˈbɔɪlə(r)] n 锅炉,汽锅;
furnace [ˈfɜ:nɪs] n 熔炉;burner [ˈbɜ:nə(r)] n 炉子
四级 oven

[ˈʌvn] n 烤箱,烤炉
eg. What are you baking in the oven? I seem to smell something burnt.
相关词 oven-ready [ˈʌvənˈredɪ] adj 可直接入炉的;
oven glove隔热手套;
toaster [ˈtəʊstə(r)] n 吐司炉,烤面包炉;
microwave [ˈmaɪkrəweɪv] n 微波炉
四级 pan

[pæn] n 平底锅
eg. Knowing that you like pasta, she specially cooked a large pan of that for you.
相关词 pan-fry [ˈpænˈfraɪ] v 用平底锅煎;
wok [wɒk] n 锅,炒菜锅;
saucepan [ˈsɔ:spən] n 煮锅;
griddle [ˈɡrɪdl] n 鏊子(平面圆形铁锅)
GRE casserole

[ˈkæsərəʊl] n 炖锅,砂锅
eg. Who ate the chicken I cooked in the casserole?
相关词 grill [ɡrɪl] n 烤架(厨房);
steamer [ˈsti:mə(r)] n 蒸锅,蒸笼;
pressure cooker高压锅
四级 pot

[pɒt] n 锅,瓶,壶
eg. The baby upset the pot on the table and the hot soup burned his hand.
相关词 teapot [ˈti:pɒt] n 茶壶;pottery [ˈpɒtərɪ] n 陶器;
jug [dʒʌg] n 水壶;kettle [ˈketl] n 茶壶,罐;
cruse [kru:z] n 小坛子
六级 sieve

[sɪv] n 笊篱
eg. Drain the spinach that I have washed through the sieve.
相关词 rolling pin擀面杖;sift [sɪft] v 筛;
sifter [ˈsɪftə(r)] n (面粉)筛子,罗;
chopping board砧板,切菜板
GRE spatula

[ˈspætjʊlə] n 铲
eg. After blowing out the candles, Susan leveled the surface of the cake with a plastic spatula.
相关词 ladle [ˈleɪdl] n 长柄勺,汤勺;scoop [sku:p] n 勺,铲子;
peeler [ˈpi:lə(r)] n 去皮器,削皮器;
can-opener [kænˈəʊpənə] n 开罐器
托福 juicer

[ˈdʒu:sə(r)] n 榨汁机
eg. I bought a new juicer for you to replace the old one that I broke.
相关词 blender [ˈblendə(r)] n 食物搅拌器;
egg beater打蛋器
同义词 squeezer [ˈskwi:zə] n 榨汁机
四级 cupboard

[ˈkʌbəd] n 橱柜
eg. You'd better lock the cupboard, or the child will open it and steal the biscuits.
同义词 sideboard [ˈsaɪdbɔ:d] n 餐具柜;
dresser [ˈdresə(r)] n 餐具橱,碗橱;
tallboy [ˈtɔ:lbɔɪ] n 高脚橱柜
托福 house ware

[haʊs][weə(r)] 家用器皿
eg. Before moving into the new house, Catherine threw away all of the old house ware.
相关词 bowl [bəʊl] n 碗,盆;plate [pleɪt] n 盘子,碟子;
platter [ˈplætə(r)] n 大浅盘;dish [dɪʃ] n 碟,盘
GRE dishpan

[ˈdɪʃpæn] n 洗碗盆
eg. He poured water into a dishpan and began to wash the dishes.
相关词 dishrag [ˈdɪʃræg] n 洗碗布;dishcloth [ˈdɪʃklɒθ] n 洗碗布;
dishwasher [ˈdɪʃwɒʃə(r)] n 洗碗机;
dishwater [ˈdɪʃwɔ:tə(r)] n 洗碗水
托福 whisk

[wɪsk] n 搅拌器
eg. Is the egg whisk on the top floor of the carbinet?
相关词 chopping board砧板;
bottle opener开瓶器;
measuring cup量杯;
eggbeater [ˈegˌbi:tə] n 打蛋器
四级 cup

[kʌp] n 杯子
eg. The secret customer only asked a cup of tea, and then stayed in the cafe for a whole day.
相关词 cupful [ˈkʌpfʊl] n 一杯,满杯;
cuppa [ˈkʌpə] n 一杯茶;
cup holder杯托;
saucer [ˈsɔ:sə(r)] n 茶碟,茶托;
teacup [ˈti:kʌp] n 茶杯
四级 glass

[glɑ:s] n 玻璃杯,酒杯
eg. Rose broke the delicate glass that her father likes best, so she dared not to tell him.
相关词 glassware [ˈglɑ:sweə] n 玻璃器皿;
wine glass葡萄酒杯;
mug [mʌg] n (有柄的)大杯;
tumbler [ˈtʌmblə(r)] n 玻璃杯;
goblet [ˈgɒblət] n 高脚杯
四级 bottle

[ˈbɒtl] n 瓶子
eg. I have drunk two bottles of beer, so I can't drink any more.
相关词 bottle-opener [ˈbɒtlˈəʊpənə] n 开瓶器;
jar [dʒɑ:(r)] n 广口瓶;top [tɒp] n 盖,塞;
lid [lɪd] n 盖,盖子
GRE stopper

[ˈstɒpə(r)] n 塞子
eg. If you don't want to drink any more, put the stopper back into the bottle.
相关词 stopple [ˈstɒpl] v 用塞子塞住;plug [plʌg] n 塞子;
cork [kɔ:k] n 软木塞;bung [bʌŋ] n 木塞,塞子
GRE cutlery

[ˈkʌtlərɪ] n 餐具(刀、叉和匙)
eg. The boy is teaching his girlfriend carefully how to use cutlery in a western restaurant.男孩正在一家西餐厅里认真地教自己的女朋友如何使用餐具。
相关词 chopsticks [ˈtʃɒpstɪks] n 筷子;fork [fɔ:k] n 叉子;
prong [prɔ:ŋ] n 叉子齿;
knife [naɪf] v (pl. knives [naɪvz]) 刀;
blade [bleɪd] n 刀片,刀刃
四级 sharp

[ʃɑ:p] n 锋利的,尖的
eg. The robber rushed into the bank, with a sharp knife in his hand.
相关词 sharpen [ˈʃɑ:pən] v (使)变得锋利;
sharp-eyed [ˈʃɑ:pˈaɪd] adj 眼尖的,目光敏锐的;
sharply [ˈʃɑ:plɪ] adv 尖刻地,严厉地
四级 knife

[naɪf] n (pl. knives [naɪvz]) 菜刀
eg. He cleaved an apple with a knife.
相关词 cleaver [ˈkli:və(r)] n 切肉刀;
carving knife切肉餐刀;
bread knife面包刀;
paring knife水果刀;
butter knife奶油刀
六级 spoon

[spu:n] n 匙,调羹
eg. The young mother always adds a spoon of sugar to the soup for her baby.
相关词 teaspoon [ˈti:spu:n] n 茶匙;
soup spoon汤匙;
tablespoon [ˈteɪblspu:n] n 餐匙;
dessertspoon [dɪˈzɜ:tspu:n] n 点心匙
四级 sink

[sɪŋk] n 洗碗槽
eg. The sink in the bachelor's kitchen is full of greasy bowls and dishes.
相关词 faucet [ˈfɔ:sɪt] n 龙头,旋塞;
tap [tæp] n 龙头,旋塞;
tap water自来水;
washing-up [ˈwɒʃɪŋʌp] n (饭后)刷洗餐具
四级 table

[ˈteɪbl] n 桌子,餐桌
eg. Don't worry. I've reserved a table at the restaurant.
相关词 tablecloth [ˈteɪblklɒθ] n 桌布,台布;
table top桌面,台面;
tableware [ˈteɪblweə(r)] n 餐具;
dressing table梳妆台
四级 electric

[ɪˈlektrɪk] adj 电的,电动的,用电的
eg. I'm glad that my boyfriend sent me an electric hair dryer.
相关词 electrical [ɪˈlektrɪkl] adj 电的,用电的;
electrician [ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn] n 电工;
electric shock触电,电击;
electric meter电表
托福 electrical appliance

[ɪˈlektrɪkl][əˈplaɪəns] 电器
eg. Our manager needs some modern electrical appliances for his new house.
相关词 refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r)] n 冰箱;
fridge [frɪdʒ] n 电冰箱;
extractor [ɪkˈstræktə(r)] n 排气扇,抽油烟机;
geyser [ˈɡi:zə(r)] n 热水器;
water heater热水器
四级 switch

[swɪtʃ] n 开关
eg. Keep the children away from the switch to that machinery.
相关词 plug [plʌg] n 插头;
plugboard [ˈplʌgbɔ:d] n 接线板;
socket [ˈsɒkɪt] n 电源插座,插孔;wire [ˈwaɪə(r)] n 电线;
wiring [ˈwaɪərɪŋ] n 线路
四级 tap

[tæp] n 水龙头
eg. He cleaned his hands in the cold water from the tap.
相关词 faucet [ˈfɔ:sɪt] n 水龙头;
strainer [ˈstreɪnə(r)] n 过滤器;
colander [ˈkʌləndə(r)] n 过滤器,滤网;
drainpipe [ˈdreɪnpaɪp] n 排水管;
stopcock [ˈstɒpkɒk] n 活塞,水龙头
托福 sink drain

[sɪŋk][dreɪn] 排水管
eg. I have to fix a sink drain in my kitchen tomorrow.
相关词 trap [træp] n 存水弯;
ball-float toilet浮球阀式马桶;
ball-cock assembly浮球阀;
inlet tube进水管