3.2 Requirement on the Coal Characteristics and the Coal Type
3.2.1 The characteristics of the chosen coal and pulverized coal in designs of PCI system shall comply with the following requirements:
1 As to any new type of coal used in the project,complete technical data including the physical and chemical properties of its raw coal and the characteristics of the pulverized coal shall be collected.
2 As to the commonly used coal type which has already been used in the project without any special problem,data of the physical and chemical properties of its raw coal shall be collected.
3.2.2 If any coal type which is explosive or prone to spontaneous ignition is used,it shall comply with the following requirements:
1 As to any coal type with a high explosion index,special explosion prevention shall be designed,and technical data such as maximum explosion pressure of a pulverized coal cloud,maximum rate of pressure rise of a pulverized coal explosion,explosion index of a pulverized coal cloud and etc.shall be collected.
2 As to any coal type with a high spontaneous ignition tendency,technical data for determining its level of spontaneous ignition tendency shall be collected.