CHAPTER 1 婴儿长成好少年
1 出生前后
★奥利维亚怀了一个男孩。Olivia is expecting a baby boy.
★她生了一个健康的男孩儿。She delivered a healthy boy.
★母乳喂养对婴儿来说很健康。It’s healthy to feed the baby on mother’s milk.
★她为自己的孩子唱摇篮曲。She sang a lullaby to her baby.
★我是在农场由姨妈抚养大的。I was raised by my aunt on a farm.
pregnant 怀孕的
•怀孕 pregnancy
•妊娠 gestation 怀孕 conceive
•流产 abortion miscarriage
hope for a boy 希望生男孩
antenatal 产前的
•产检 antenatal care
•胎教 antenatal training
expect a baby 怀孕
•怀孕 be with child
birthplace 出生地
•故乡 hometown
•摇篮 cradle
•祖国 motherland
give birth to 分娩
•繁殖 breed reproduce
due date 预产期
•到期 expiration date
born 出生
•刚出生的 newborn
•出身豪门 born with a silver spoon
infant 婴儿
•宝贝 baby
•幼儿教师 infant teacher
deliver 生(孩子)
•助产士 midwife
maternity ward 产科病房
birthday 生日
•出生日期 date of birth
blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛
•许愿 make a wish
hold a birthday party 举办生日派对
•举办生日派对 host a birthday party
divide up the cake 切蛋糕
•一份 piece
dead ringer (for) 酷似某人
•与……非常相似 is the picture of sb.
•与……相像 take after
•长得像妈妈 get one’s mother’s features
hand down 传下去
•相传 pass down
•现成的旧衣服 hand-me-down
gene 基因
•隐性基因 a recessive gene
•显性基因 a dominant gene
inherit 继承
•继承人 inheritor
•遗传 inheritance
innate 先天的
•天生丽质 innate beauty
•天生的才能 innate ability
name after 用……的名字命名
pick a name 起名
•起名 choose a name
•想出一个名字 come up with a name
raise 养育
•养育孩子 bring up a child/rear a child
mother’s milk 母乳
•母乳 breast milk
nurser 奶瓶
•奶粉 milk powder
•配方奶粉 formula
•奶嘴 pacifier
•温奶瓶 warm the nurser
lullaby 摇篮曲
•儿歌 nursery rhyme
exemplary father 模范父亲
•模范 model
•榜样 example
hold a baby (in one’s arms) 怀抱婴儿
take care of 照顾
•照看 look after
•忽视 neglect
bathe a baby 给婴儿洗澡
•洗澡 have a bath/take a shower
•洗 wash
wee-wee 撒尿
•尿尿 pee-pee have a pee
•小便 urinate
•大便 poop
wean 使断奶
•婴儿食品 baby food
diaper 尿布
•换尿布 change the diaper
•纸尿裤 disposable/reusable diaper
•尿布疹 diaper rash
breast-feeding 母乳喂养
•喝母乳长大的 breast-fed
•喝牛奶长大的 bottle-fed
stroller 婴儿手推车
•婴儿车 baby carriage
cradle 摇篮
•摇篮曲 cradlesong
•从生到死 from the cradle to the grave
•坟墓 tomb
crawl 爬行
•偷偷摸摸地走 creep
grow up 成长
•成年人 grown-up
•成熟的 mature
bed-wetting 尿床
weak body 虚弱的身体
•强壮的身体 strong body
•健康的 healthy /fit
baby’s rattle 拨浪鼓
•玩具 toy
•布娃娃 rag doll
•毛绒玩具 stuffed animal
•玩具枪 peashooter
affection 喜爱
•喜爱 love
•显露感情的 affectionate
•无情的 affectionless
cling to 紧紧抱住
•拥抱 hug embrace cuddle