第八章 口腔肿瘤基因组学 Chapter 8 Genome and Oral Cance
1986年著名肿瘤学家诺贝尔奖获得者Delbecco提出“欲解决肿瘤问题,应先搞清基因组”,其发表在 Science杂志的文章《癌症研究的转折点——基因组全序列分析》阐述了在基因组这个整体上研究所有基因的相互作用,从而阐明包括癌症在内的疾病发生、发展机制。因此研究口腔癌应研究相关的基因组。
In 1986,the famous oncologist and Nobel laureate Delbecco proposed“if you want to solve the tumor problem,you should first find out about the genomes”.His article published in the journal Science,entitled“a turning point in cancer research-genome sequence analysis”,states that the interaction of all genes in the genomes should be studied to clarify the development mechanism of diseases,including cancer.Therefore,the study of oral cancer should first begin with the genomes.