Encoding and decoding strings
Using the encode/decode methods, we can encode Unicode strings and decode bytes objects. UTF-8 is a variable length character encoding, capable of encoding all possible Unicode code points. It is the dominant encoding for the web. Notice also that by adding a literal b in front of a string declaration, we're creating a bytes object:
>>> s = "This is üŋíc0de" # unicode string: code points
>>> type(s)
<class 'str'>
>>> encoded_s = s.encode('utf-8') # utf-8 encoded version of s
>>> encoded_s
b'This is \xc3\xbc\xc5\x8b\xc3\xadc0de' # result: bytes object
>>> type(encoded_s) # another way to verify it
<class 'bytes'>
>>> encoded_s.decode('utf-8') # let's revert to the original
'This is üŋíc0de'
>>> bytes_obj = b"A bytes object" # a bytes object
>>> type(bytes_obj)
<class 'bytes'>