Now let's look at how the data for the house prices are distributed:
func hist(a []float64) (*plot.Plot, error){
h, err := plotter.NewHist(plotter.Values(a), 10)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
This section is added to the main function:
hist, err := plotHist(YsBack)
hist.Title.Text = "Histogram of House Prices"
mHandleErr(hist.Save(25*vg.Centimeter, 25*vg.Centimeter, "hist.png"))
The following diagram is:
As can be noted, the histogram of the prices is a little skewed. Fortunately, we can fix that by applying a function that performs the logging of the value and then adds 1. The standard library provides a function for this: math.Log1p. So, we add the following to our main function:
for i := range YsBack {
YsBack[i] = math.Log1p(YsBack[i])
hist2, err := plotHist(YsBack)
hist2.Title.Text = "Histogram of House Prices (Processed)"
mHandleErr(hist2.Save(25*vg.Centimeter, 25*vg.Centimeter, "hist2.png"))
The following diagram is :

Ahh! This looks better. We did this for all the Ys. What about any of the Xs? To do that, we will have to iterate through each column of Xs, find out if they are skewed, and if they are, we need to apply the transformation function.
This is what we add to the main function:
it, err := native.MatrixF64(Xs)
for i, isCat := range datahints {
if isCat {
skewness := skew(it, i)
if skewness > 0.75 {
log1pCol(it, i)
native.MatrixF64s takes a *tensor.Dense and converts it into a native Go iterator. The underlying backing data doesn't change, therefore if one were to write it[0][0] = 1000, the actual matrix itself would change too. This allows us to perform transformations without additional allocations. For this topic, it may not be as important; however, for larger projects, this will come to be very handy.
This also allows us to write the functions to check and mutate the matrix:
// skew returns the skewness of a column/variable
func skew(it [][]float64, col int) float64 {
a := make([]float64, 0, len(it[0]))
for _, row := range it {
for _, col := range row {
a = append(a, col)
return stat.Skew(a, nil)
// log1pCol applies the log1p transformation on a column
func log1pCol(it [][]float64, col int) {
for i := range it {
it[i][col] = math.Log1p(it[i][col])