Secrets hiding the truth
As previously mentioned, to realistically get the level of information and engagement required, you need to create an open and transparent environment in which positive behaviors can flourish. An environment where trust, honesty, disclosure, and constructive dialogue are encouraged and commonplace. This does not mean you have to work within a glass house and have every conversation in public and every decision made by committee. What is needed is a distinct lack of secrets.
Let me clarify what I mean by using an example: Bernie is the CEO of a small but successful software business. Over the last few months, more and more customers have started to complain about broken promises and obviously rushed and buggy releases. She is also hearing that employees are not happy and productivity is down. She considers the following:
- Begrudgingly admit that there may be a few problems that need addressing and instruct the VP of engineering to handpick a team of people he trusts to compile a list of solutions to present back to the board within the week. The VP will under orders to not disclose or discuss this with anyone outside of the closed group.
- Commission an external consultancy to run a top-level closes-session investigation.
- Invite every employee to an all day workshop and ask everybody to provide open and honest feedback about the issues they face day to day. She will then get her leadership team together and spend a few weeks openly working through all of the feedback. A follow-up workshop will then be arranged to honestly discuss and debate the various problems raised and options available.
I think it's plain to see the difference, and which of these approaches would bear fruit and which would wither and die.
This all may sound unrealistically simple but without openness, honesty, and transparency, people will remain guarded and you will not get all of the facts you need—the word "facts" is used intentionally. You need an environment where anyone and everyone feels that they can speak their minds and more importantly, contribute. One other thing you need to take into account is collaboration.