Diving deep into the Face API
The Face API has two main features. The first one is face detection and the other is face recognition.
Face detection allows us to detect up to 64 faces in one image. We have already seen the basic usage. The features of face recognition are implied in its name: using it, we can detect whether two faces belong to the same person. We can find similar faces, or one in particular, and we can group similar faces. We will learn how to do all of this in the following sections.
When calling any of the APIs, it will respond with one of the following responses:
Code Description200
Successful call. It returns an array containing data related to the API call.400
Request body is invalid. This can be a number of errors, depending on the API call. Typically, the request code is invalid.401
Access denied because of an invalid subscription key. The key may be wrong or the account/subscription plan may be blocked.403
Out of call volume data. You have made all the available calls to the API for this month.415
Invalid media type.429
Rate limit is exceeded. You will need to wait a period of time (less than one minute in the free preview) before you try again.