Big Data Analytics with Hadoop 3

Enabling timeline service v.2

The following are the basic configurations to start timeline service v.2:





  <description> This setting indicates if the yarn system metrics is published by RM and NM by on the timeline service. </description>

  <description>This setting is to indicate if the yarn container events are published by RM to the timeline service or not. This configuration is for ATS V2. </description>

Also, add the hbase-site.xml configuration file to the client Hadoop cluster configuration so that it can write data to the Apache HBase cluster you are using, or set yarn.timeline-service.hbase.configuration.file to the file URL pointing to hbase-site.xml for the same purpose of writing the data to HBase, for example:

  <description>This is an Optional URL to an hbase-site.xml configuration file. It is to be used to connect to the timeline-service hbase cluster. If it is empty or not specified, the HBase configuration will be loaded from the classpath. Else, they will override those from the ones present on the classpath. </description>