Add Automation & Control Solution Offering to OMS
To add the Automation & Control solution, you must create an Automation account or select an existing Automation account. An Automation account is an Azure resource through which you can manage all of your Azure, cloud, and on-premises resources:
- Navigate to the Azure portal and click the New button. Type Automation & Control into the marketplace search field and press Enter
- Select Automation & Control in the Everything blade and click Create
- In the Create New Solution blade, click the OMS Workspace button and select your OMS workspace, and check the recommended solutions you would like to install and click the OMS Workspace Settings tab
- In the resulting blade, confirm your workspace, Azure Subscription, Location, Resource group, and Pricing tier information, and click Automation account
- In the Automation account blade, select an existing Automation account or click Create an Automation account:

Figure 1.35 - The Automation & Control solution
Creating the Automation account when you add the Automation & Control solution to your workspace establishes the integration with your OMS workspace, and enables you to install related management solutions into your workspace.
- In the Add Automation Account blade, enter the name of your Azure Automation account in the Name field, review the Subscription, Resource group, Location, and Azure Run As account creation options, and click OK:

Figure 1.36 - Adding Azure Automation Account
- After the deployments are complete, click OK in the OMS Workspace blade, and upon completion of the deployment, click Create in the Automation & Control blade to finish adding the Automation & Control solution to your workspace.