From domain to entity
Given the domains that we have in our application, it is time to define the entities. When we speak of entities microservices it is important to note that any transactional need among microservices can mean a design error.
A process asynchronous message by the broker can be used to sanitize the database, but that does not mean that there is a transaction. Trying to establish a type of transaction between microservices that are completely separated may be a big mistake.
Our old application had the following entities:
- News:
- ID – UniqueID
- Author – FK user_id
- Title
- Description
- Content
- Labels – News subjects
- Type – New type (Sports, Famous, Politics)
- CreatedAt
- UpdatedAt
- PublishedAt
- Recommendations:
- Label
- user_id
- Users:
- ID
- Name
In addition to these entities, there is a range of tables that complement the user's information for the purpose of providing permissions and access permissions.
With the transformation of monolithic architecture for microservices architecture, the data model and design of these entities will also change.
First, we know that all the news segments will not be unique. This implies the removal of the Type:
- News Service:
- ID
- Author
- Title
- Description
- Content
- Labels
- CreatedAt
- UpdatedAt
- PublishedAt
Another change is that users will no longer have the responsibility for authentication and authorization.