There's more...
To list the hardware boards supported by the different layers, we may run:
$ ls sources/meta-freescale*/conf/machine/*.conf
And to list the newly introduced target images, use the following:
$ ls sources/meta-freescale*/recipes*/images/*.bb
The FSL community BSP release introduces the following new target images:
- fsl-image-mfgtool-initramfs: This is a small, RAM-based initramfs image used with the NXP manufacturing tool
- fsl-image-multimedia: This is a console-only image that includes the gstreamer multimedia framework over the framebuffer
- fsl-image-multimedia-full: This is an extension of fsl-image-multimedia, that extends the gstreamer multimedia framework to include all available plugins
- fsl-image-machine-test: This is an extension of fsl-image-multimedia-full for testing and benchmarking
The release includes a sources/Documentation repository with buildable documentation. To build, we first need to install some host tools as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libjpeg8-dev python3-dev python3-pip python3-sphinx texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra zlib1g-dev fonts-liberation $ sudo pip3 install reportlab sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
And then we can build the different documents by entering its sub-directory, and build an HTML document with:
$ make singlehtml
Or a PDF version with:
$ make latexpdf
For example, to build the release notes in both HTML and PDF versions we do:
$ cd /opt/yocto/fsl-community-bsp/sources/Documentation/release-notes $ make latexpdf singlehtml
The documents can be found inside the build/latex and build/singlehtml directories.