Learning Behavior:driven Development with JavaScript

Exploring unit testing

99.99 percent of the projects we are going to face will be complex and cannot be tested with a single test. Even small functionalities that a non-engineer would consider very simple will actually be more complex than expected and have several corner cases. This forces us to think about how to decompose our system in tests or, in other words, what exactly are the tests that we should write.

In the beginning of the test-first movement, there was no clear answer to this question. The only guidance was to write a test for each unit and make the tests from different units independent between them.

The notion of units is very generic and does not seem to be very useful to guide the practice of test-first. After a long debate in the community, it seems that there is a consensus that there exists at least two kinds of units: features and components.

A feature is a single concrete action that the user can perform on the system; this will change the state of the system and/or make the system perform actions on other third-party systems. Note that a feature is usually a small-grained piece of functionality of the system, and a use case or user story can map to several features. An important thing about features is that they describe the behavior of the system from the point of view of the user. Slicing a user story into features is a key activity of BDD, and throughout the book, we will see plenty of examples of how to do it.

The other kinds of units are the components of our system. A component is any software artifact, such as classes, procedures, or first-order functions, that we use to build the system.

We can conceptualize any product we are building as a matrix of features versus components, like in the following image:

Exploring unit testing

In this image, we can see that any system implements a set of features, and it is implemented by a set of components. The interesting thing is that there is seldom a one-to-one relationship between components and features. A single feature involves several components, and a single component can be reused across several features.

With all this in mind, we can try to understand what traditional TDD, or traditional unit testing, is doing. In the traditional approach, the idea is to make unit tests of components. So, each component should have a test of its own. Let's have a look at how it works:

Exploring unit testing

In the preceding image, you can see that the system is built incrementally, one component at a time. The idea is that with each increment, a new component is created or an existing one is upgraded in order to support the features. This has the advantage that if a test is failing, we know exactly which component is failing.

Although this approach works in theory, in practice, it has some problems. Since we are not using the features to guide our tests, they can only express the expected behavior of the components. This usually generates some important problems, such as the following ones:

  • There is no clear and explicit correlation between the components and the features; in fact, this relationship can change over time whenever there is a design change. So, there is no clear progress feedback from the test suite.
  • The test results only make sense for the engineering team, since it is all about components and not the behavior of the systems. If a component test is failing, which features are failing? Since there is not a clear correlation between features and components, it is expensive to answer this question.
  • If there is a bug, we don't know which tests to modify. Probably, we will need to change several tests to expose a single bug.
  • Usually, you will need to put a lot more effort into your technical design to have a plan of what components need to be built next and how they fit together.
  • The tests are checking whether the component behaves according to the technical design, so if you change the design, then you need to change the tests. The whole test suite is vulnerable to changes in the design, making changes in the design harder. Hence, a needed refactor is usually skipped, making the whole quality of the codebase worse and worse as time passes.

Of course, a good and experienced engineering team can be successful with this approach, but it is difficult. It is not surprising that a lot of people are being very vocal against the test-first approach. Unit test components is the classic and de facto approach to test-first, so when someone says terms such as TDD or unit testing, they usually mean component unit testing. This is why problems with component unit testing have been wrongly confused with problems of the general test-first approach.

The other way of doing test-first is to unit test features, which is exactly what BDD make us do. We can have a look at the diagram to see how a system progresses using BDD:

Exploring unit testing

As we can see, as time progresses, we add tests for each feature, so we can have good feedback about the status of completion of the project. If a test is failing, then it means that the corresponding feature is broken.

On the other hand, we don't need a very detailed up-front design to start coding. After all, we have the guidance of the behavior of the system to start the test-first workflow, and we can fine-tune our design incrementally using the "clean code" step of the workflow. We can discover components on the fly while we are delivering features to the customer. Only a high-level architecture, some common conventions, and the set of tools and libraries to use, are needed before starting the development phase. Furthermore, we can isolate the test from most technical changes and refactorings, so in the end, it will be better for our codebase quality.

Finally, it seems to be common sense to focus on the features; after all, this is what the customer is really paying us for. Features are the main thing we need to ensure that are working properly. An increment in component unit testing does not need to deliver any value, since it is only a new class, but an increment in BDD delivers value, since it is a feature. It does not matter whether it is a small feature or not; it is a tangible step forward in project termination.

There is, of course, a disadvantage in this approach. If a test is failing, we know which feature is failing, but we do not know which component needs to be fixed. This involves some debugging. This is not a problem for small and medium systems, since a feature is usually implemented by 3–5 components. However, in big systems, locating the affected component can be very costly.

There is no silver bullet. In my opinion, BDD is an absolute minimum, but unit testing some of the key components can be beneficial. The bigger the system is, the more component unit testing we should write, in addition to the BDD test suite.