"Now what?"
That was the question that Anthony Minessale, Darren Schreiber, and Michael Collins asked themselves after the successful release of Packt Publishing's first FreeSWITCH book: FreeSWITCH 1.0.6. They were all tired from writing a book while still maintaining their day jobs and attempting to have a life outside of work. However, all felt a sense of pride and accomplishment at having released the first published book about FreeSWITCH. None wanted to lose the momentum.
It was decided that another book would be a good goal; but what kind of book? After kicking around a few ideas amongst themselves and members of the FreeSWITCH community, it was decided that a cookbook style publication would be a welcome addition. Packt Publishing agreed. Eventually it was decided that the most economical approach would be to focus on five basic subjects that are common to most FreeSWITCH installations.