You can stand out from the crowd
Let's begin with a quick pep talk.
Making a success of your blog can seem like an uphill struggle. It's easy to be disheartened in the early days because success rarely happens overnight. One of the first psychological stumbling blocks for many bloggers is the overwhelming size of the blogosphere. It's easy to feel like a small fish in a very big pond. However, that's not necessarily the case.
It's true; the blogosphere is a crowded place, with millions of blogs out there all clambering for attention.
At first this seems a little daunting. You may be wondering how you can stand out in such a crowded arena. With so much live information being constantly updated, is there room for any more? Does the world need another blog? Is the web-surfing public in danger of reaching blog-saturation or information-overload? I believe the answers to these questions are yes, yes, and no, respectively.
There are many out there, but there are also a lot of web users hungry for information.
As well as being big, the blogosphere is also diverse. There are millions of blogs, which cover an enormous spectrum of subjects and genres. However, the blogosphere can be almost endlessly segmented, which gives meaning to your activities as a business blogger. You're not competing for audience share against the blogosphere as a whole. Like most bloggers, you'll find your niche and realize success is within your grasp.