Chapter 2. Introducing our Case Study—WPBizGuru
Throughout the book, we'll be using a case study based on a fictitious blog to demonstrate the concepts you'll be learning. It will be the basis for most of the tutorials in the rest of the book. In this chapter, we'll outline what we'll be doing to transform WPBizGuru from a mediocre blog into an all-singing, all-dancing traffic magnet.
As we discussed in Chapter 1, A Blog Less Ordinary What Makes a Great Blog?, a successful business blog is achieved by identifying strategic goals and applying these to the type of blog you are publishing. We will work through this process for WPBizGuru to give us a detailed plan of how the blog should be developed. You will then be in a position to apply the planning process to your own blog and identify what needs to be done to improve it.
Even though you may already have a live blog, you should still work through the goal-setting process so that you have a clear road map of where your blog is going. This will be your blog plan. Think of it in the same way as you would treat your business plan. All businesses should regularly revisit and update their business plans. The same is true for blog plans. No matter how established your blog is, it needs a plan that is updated regularly and responds to your changing demands and business. In this chapter, we will cover:
- An introduction to our case study blog
- How to develop a detailed blog plan
- How to identify the specific goals that will enable us to achieve our blog plan
- An overview of how the case study blog will be implemented through the rest of the book