Time for action – installing OpenOffice
We install OpenOffice on our computer by carrying out the following steps:
- Go to http://www.openoffice.org/ and download the latest version of OpenOffice.org for Windows.
- Save the OOo_${VERSION}_Win_x86_install-wJRE_en-US.exe file in a chosen folder.
- Double-click on the OOo_${VERSION}_Win_x86_install-wJRE_en-US.exe filename; this triggers the installation process.
- Click on Next, when you see the following pop-up window:
- Accept the default folder for unpacking and click on Unpack.
- Wait for the unpacking process to proceed.
- Click on Next when a new installation window shows.
- Input username and organization and click on Next.
- Use the Typical setup type and click on Next.
- Click on Install.
- Click on Finish, when the installation wizard is completed.
What just happened?
Congratulations! You have successfully installed OpenOffice on your computer!
Liferay Portal depends on a service provided by OpenOffice to convert files.