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A Review of Researches on the Structural System of Higher Education Abroad
LIU Zhiyuan
Abstract:The study of the structural system of higher education is both a historical and a contemporary issue. Combining with new changes and trends in this field,this paper attempts to explore 5 basic elements from a comparative perspective,namely,hierarchy structure,discipline structure,type structure,layout structure,and management system structure. It also concludes 4 pairs of relationships,namely,the relationships between the higher education structural system and the higher education system,the labor market,modern university governance,and the internationalization of higher education. The paper also discusses 3 basic characteristics in the study of the structural system of higher education abroad,namely,its historical consistency,its highlighting the characteristics of the times and regional differences,and its reflection of the on-going reform demands.
Keywords:Structural System of Higher Education;Higher Education System;Labor Market;Modern University Governance;Internationalization of Higher Education
[3]在《科学家在社会中的角色》(The Scientist's Role in Society:A Comparative Study)这部科学社会学的扛鼎之作中,本-戴维认为美国大学特别是研究型大学的出现推动了体制化、专业化科学研究的兴起,而学系、研究生院等要素构成了大学促进科学研究的稳定结构,促进了学科的增长与职业科学家群体的出现。因此,本-戴维将大学称为美国科学研究专业化的“内部条件”(Internal Condition),与“外部条件”——分权与竞争(Decentralization and Competition)相对应。详见Ben-David(1971:155)。