/ An Outstanding Statesman /
To some extent, Confucius might be respected as an outstanding statesman in ancient China for his wise and farsighted political ideas. As to the way to govern a state, on the one hand, Confucius emphasized the rule by virtue and humane government. He said, “Governance based on virtue is like the North Star taking its place in the sky, while all the other stars revolve around it. (为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星拱之。)” He disagreed with the use of harsh laws and severe punishments, which were common in those days. Tyrannical measures, according to him, would only make ordinary people try hard to avoid punishments, and would not help them to distinguish between right and wrong or give them a sense of shame. Governance based on virtue does not, however, exclude the use of punishment, but rather highlights the decisive role of virtue in governance, and regards moral edification both as the fundamental principle and the essential means for achieving good governance.
Confucius also claimed that the ruler himself should be an upright man, and should guide the common people with virtue, and regulate their conduct and behavior with the rites, which were standards of conduct laid down by the rulers of the Western Zhou. Whats more, Confucius urged selecting only virtuous and talented people to serve as government officials.
With regard to the way to govern a state, on the other hand, Confucius asserted that people should be made rich first and then educated. This political view might be a good principle even today, for it covers both material and spiritual civilization, which have to be developed at the same time to ensure the stability of the state and the happiness of the people.